SKIC celebrates 60 years of experience in Chile

  • SKIC Chile receives, for the second consecutive year, 1st place in the Chilean Mining Supplier Ranking award - Phibrand, in the Construction and Assembly category.
  • Execution of the replacement of the shiploader in Puerto Patache de Collahuasi (CMDIC) in a record period of 35 days and without incidents.
  • Award of the project Salares Norte - FLUOR, for the Construction and Electromechanical Assembly of the Process Plant of the client Minera Gold Fields.
  • Acquisition of the first SPOT robot in Latin America, within the framework of the innovative industrialization and robotization process.
  • Award of the first mining contract for SKIC Brasil, Ball Mill Replacement project, for VALE.


Chuquicamata Underground Project.

  • SKIC at Codelco - Chuquicamata participated in the engineering of laying, construction and assembly of 13 kilometers of conveyor belts and 26 kilometers of ST 10000 belt.
  • Three years of operation of SKIC in Brazil, adding more than 2,700 km in EPC's projects for High Voltage Transmission Systems.
  • Award of two contracts with Continental Gold for SKIC Colombia.
  • Start of the Valdivia Plant Textile Pulp project.


Codelco Project, Chuquicamata Underground Main Transportation System and Andean Mine Transfer

  • SKIC Colombia is awarded its first mining contract, Buriticá Project.
  • SBEI - SK is awarded more than 1,200 km of Transmission Lines, in addition to the 1,500 km already underway.
  • SKIC celebrates 20 years of experience in Peru.
  • Arauco awards Sigdo Koppers the Pulpa Textil Planta Valdivia project, the most relevant contract of the period in investment in the pulp sector.
  • Start of construction of the main Datacenter in Latin America.
  • Award of the EPC 23 kV Spence Transmission System contract for BHP Billiton.


LAT 500 kV Mejillones - Cardones project and Los Changos and Cumbre substations ends

  • Completion of the construction and commissioning of the Escondida Water Supply (EWS) contract, the largest seawater desalination plant in Latin America.
  • The company establishes an office in Sao Paulo, Brazil, to operate the SBEI - SKIC consortium.
  • Start of construction of 1,400 km of High Voltage Lines in the states of Pará, Tocantins, Goiás, Minas and Sao Paulo, in Brazil.
  • Awarding of the Project in Colombia, Central Termonorte 93 MW.


SKIC acquires Dessau Chile Ingeniería S.A., incorporating engineering and consulting services for the energy, mining and industrial sectors

  • SKIC obtains 1st place in the category "Technical Reliability" and "Good Practices in Safety and Health at Work" from the Chilean Chamber of Construction and the Mutual de Seguridad.
  • The company begins operations in Brazil, to carry out energy transmission projects.


Start of the EPC project 500 kV Mejillones - Cardones Transmission Line

  • Award of the Electromechanical Assembly project of PTA Mapocho.
  • SK signs an agreement with Associated Universities Inc., representative in Chile of the international consortium CCAT for the collaboration and construction of the observatory.
  • SKIC obtains First place in the category "Technical Reliability" in the contest "Good Practices in Safety and Health at Work", awarded by the Chilean Chamber of Construction and Mutual de Seguridad.


SKIC is awarded Project “Second Stage of the PTAS Mapocho - Module 4

  • EPC Cochrane Encuentro Transmission Line project ends, according to deadlines and successful quality and safety standards.


Ingeniería y Construcción Sigdo Koppers S.A. is founded, after the union of the Chilean company Ingenieros Asociados Sigma Donoso S.A. and Koppers Internacional C.A., of Pittsburgh, USA.


Start of the Cochrane Thermoelectric Power Plant project, considered the largest of its kind in the Great North of Chile


BHP Billiton's mining project Organic Growth Project One (OGP1) begins in Minera Escondida

  • In the Ore Access project, the third consecutive movement of primary crushers is carried out for Minera Escondida.


AES GENER's 520 MW Angamos Thermal Power Plant, built by SKIC for POSCO, is inaugurated

  • Los Bronces project, one of the main mining investments made in Chile, ends.


A record 15,000 workers are hired


Acquisition of Manitowoc 18,000 crane, one of the highest lifting and loading capacity equipment on the market

  • The company receives the Apolo award from Endesa for its commitment to occupational health and safety.


Endesa Chile honors SKIC with the Excellence Award for the execution of the EPC Central Termoeléctrica Quintero project

  • Award of the EPC Angamos Transmission System project together with the construction and assembly of the Angamos Thermoelectric Power Plant.


SKIC receives Social Responsibility Award from the Chilean Chamber of Construction

  • SK Capacitación S.A. starts its operations


Completion of the construction of the Methanol Plant No. IV for Methanex, the largest complex of its kind

  • Construction of the Nueva Aldea and Santa Fe pulp mills.


The Escondida Phase 4 mining project concludes, which involved 12,000,000 direct Men's Hours


Start of Operations in Peru, through the subsidiary SSK Montajes e Instalaciones


La Candelaria Concentrator Plant project start, first contract of the BSK Consortium (Bechtel - Sigdo Koppers)


Construction of the high voltage line Colbún - Alto Jahuel, the first 500 kV installed in Chile, 259 km long


Work on the Colbún and Machicura hydroelectric power plants is completed


Work begins on Unit No. 12 of the Tocopilla Thermoelectric Plant


Setting up company ownership around current drivers


Construction of Puerto San Vicente, the company's first maritime project


First Chilean company to carry out works for the Santiago Metro


Work begins on the second Huachipato Blast Furnace and the Concepción Oil Refinery