SKIC will participate in the construction of the largest wind farm in Latin America

Colbún recently assigned Sigdo Koppers Engineering and Construction the EPC BOP Electric Wind Farm Horizonte contract, which will be the largest in Latin America, with 140 wind turbines and 778 MW of installed capacity.

SKIC will be in charge of the engineering development, supply and construction of two new substations and the expansion of an existing one, a 2×220 kV transmission line – approximately 25 kilometers long – and the supply and assembly of the medium voltage network, buried throughout the farm, located in the commune of Taltal, Antofagasta Region.

The project is one of the largest current investments by the private sector, excluding some mining companies, and contemplates an average annual generation of 2,400 GWh, equivalent to the consumption of more than 700,000 homes. Most of the renewable energy production will remain in the north of Chile, intended for free customers, mainly from the mining sector, thus avoiding the transmission congestion that affects the country, from north to south. Once in operation, which is planned for 2024, it will allow the regional wind generation capacity to be increased by 70% and avoid the emission of 1,200,000 thousand tons of CO2 per year, which is similar to taking more than 300,000 cars out of circulation in a year or seeding 2,400,000 trees.