Sustainability Policy
To operate with sustainability is a fundamental corporate commitment that regulates those who work in SK, always behaving responsibly in favor of future generations and producing economic, social, and environmental value.
The sustainability policy, aligned with our corporate values, provides us guidelines for the sustainable development of the company and considers every relevant group of interest. It is regulated by means of indicators, with the goal of monitoring their compliance and setting short-term, mid-term, and long-term objectives.
Management guidelines


We are in the constant search for technological and innovative solutions that contribute to our competitive position, operational security and sustainability.


We encourage environmental responsibility; we identify and control possible environmental impacts with management procedures.

y Montaje

We strive to reach for profitability responsibly, creating value for shareholders and society.

Contribution and Groups of Interest

Contribution and Groups of Interest
We are aware that the development of our activities may affect certain groups of interest in various ways. We identify them in order to create a regulation system that will help to answer their concerns, strengthen the transparency, and the effective discussions to build relationships of trust.

We are in the constant search for technological and innovative solutions that contribute to our competitive position, operational security and sustainability.

We encourage environmental responsibility; we identify and control possible environmental impacts with management procedures.

We strive to reach for profitability responsibly, creating value for shareholders and society.

Contribution and Groups of Interest
We are aware that the development of our activities may affect certain groups of interest in various ways. We identify them in order to create a regulation system that will help to answer their concerns, strengthen the transparency, and the effective discussions to build relationships of trust.
We strive to reach for profitability responsibly, creating value for shareholders and society.
Imperative groups of interest
People are a key component for the global performance of the company that encourages ethical behavior, aligned with corporate values and develops programs to protect the health and safety of the contributors, improve their quality of life, and support the efficiency in the organization. In this company, well-being initiative, training, labor certification, scholarships, and recreational activities are conducted.
We are aware of the value in the acceptance of differences, SK does not allow discrimination and exclusion based on ethnicity, gender or of any other kind that may harm the dignity of a person. We look for workplace environments that respect the dignity of contributors, local cultures, and where each person is valued by their personal contribution.

Efficiency on processes and transparency are important topics. The company looks to generate long-term rentability for their shareholders and investors, complying with high levels of quality and transparency.
SK strives to satisfy their clients, focusing on their needs and expectations, delivering products and services of superior quality, innovative, and competitive in a convenient way.
The company commits to promote open and clear communication with their suppliers and establish fair contracts for both parts, ensuring the development of local suppliers and respectful of sustainable progress. The relation with the suppliers is regulated by the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.

SK commits to comply with legal guidelines and regulations that apply to the operations.
The company pursues to maintain a harmonic coexistence with the communities that we put ourselves into, looking to minimize the impact in its activities, assisting to improve the quality of life and the local development. It specially encourages the development of relationships based on trust and transparency.
Their focus in social topics is education, for this reason it develops a series of programs in this area. Some of them are training, working reversion intended to improve the employability of the students, and dual education.
Social Contribution
For Sigdo Koppers (SK), technical education is one of the main tools for the progress of a person and the countries where it is present. Because of this, our program of social investment focuses on this field, by means of shared value initiatives that allows us to integrate the knowledge of our company and generate a relevant social contribution.
SK Capacitación

SK Capacitación S.A., creada el 2007, tiene como propósito formar profesionales como el procedimiento que otorga a las personas para aprender algún conocimiento y/o habilidad para un propósito definido.
SK Capacitación es una filial de Sigdo Koppers Ingeniería y Construcción S.A., dedicada a la capacitación técnica y comprometida con el desarrollo de los recursos humanos calificados. Nuestro staff de relatores ha desarrollado programas para ejecutivos y personal orientada a satisfacer las necesidades de formación de diferentes compañías, a través de programas de formación enfocados a competencias técnicas y conductuales, que permiten a los alumnos desempeñarse eficazmente y aportar a los objetivos del negocio.
Contamos con la certificación de la Norma Chilena (NCH) 2728:2015 y el reconocimiento del Servicio Nacional de Capacitación y Empleo (SENCE), de acuerdo a Resolución Exenta N° 3280.
+500 k
Horas de Formación
Cursos y Programas
En la actualidad, tenemos alianzas de largo plazo con organismos educacionales, como Duoc UC, eCLASS, Fundación Chile Dual, Pro Andes, Bosch y Coreduc, asegurando el acceso a una formación de calidad y las mejores herramientas de enseñanza.
Talcahuano Technical and Training Center
Talcahuano Technical and Training Center, seat of Sigdo Koppers, delivers quality education and better opportunities of working insertion to around 800 young men and women that graduate annually, for the most part from public schools of the city.
It opened in 2012, as part of the public-private alliance with the city council of Talcahuano, place where Sigdo Koppers developed their first works in the sixties. It features up-to-date facilities of 8.8 mi², classrooms, workshops, cafeteria, library, and an auditorium, the last two were also open to the community. The school is managed by CFT ProAndes, a specialized institution of renowned prestige in the field of technical education.

Dual Education Chile Foundation
It is a non-profit organization by Sigdo Koppers S.A. in 2016 that develops and implements a system of dual education that links companies to technical schools. This way, students will learn in two approaches: school approach (theory classes) and business approach (workshops), during their penultimate and last years of high school.
The foundation participates in the whole process, since the linking of companies with the educational establishments. It brings constant support in the adjustment of curriculum, development of new specialties, training teachers in technical and cross-curricular abilities, coaching to strengthen school leadership and management, and so on, throughout an expert technical team.
Work with Us
We are more than 15.000 contributors in SK that strive daily to satisfy the needs of our clients and to maintain the successful prestige of the company. Join our team checking labor opportunities here.