Creation and Transmission of Energy

“Novo Estado” Transmission Line
2019 a 2021 / 5.000.000 MH
Pacajá-PA, Brasil
ENGIE allocated to Engineering and Construction Sigdo Koppers the EPC contract for the execution of 468 miles of transmission lines, erection of 1,513 towers, and cable launching including the supplying of materials (except for conducting cables and metallic structures).
ETB-1 and ETB2 Transmission Line
2019 a 2020 | 3.990.000 MH
Bahía, Brasil
The EPC contract allocated by ALUPAR to Engineering and Construction Sigdo Koppers consist in the execution of 224 miles of transmission lines of 500 kV, erection of 1,152 towers, and cable launching including the supplying of materials (except cables).

Termonorte Station
2018 / 270.000 MH
Santa Marta, Colombia
SK/HL Engineers consortium executed the civil works, buildings, and tanks for a generation project based on diesel engines for Hyundai.
Spence WP05
2018 / 300.000 MH
Antofagasta, Chile
SK oversaw the engineering, the supplies, and the construction of the civil, structure, and electricity specialties for the electrical substation Spence II of 220kV/23kV and the energy distribution system.

Teles Pires II Transmission Line
2017 a 2019 | 2.368.254 MH
Salvador-BA, Brasil
EPC project allocated by STATE GRID to the Alumini/FJEPC/Engineering and Construction Sigdo Koppers consortium, for the construction of 185 miles of transmission lines of 500 kV and 167 miles of transmission lines of 230 kV, erection of 1,107 towers, and cable launching including the supplying of materials (except cables).
Belo Monte II Transmission Line
2017 a 2019 | 4.285.782 MH
Río de Janeiro al Pará, Brasil
The Alumini/ICSK/FJEPC consortium executed the EPC contract for STATE GRID that considered the operation of 483 miles of transmission lines of 800 kV, erection of 1,372 towers, and cable launching including the supplying of materials (except cables).

Mejillones – Cardones Transmission System
2016 / 3.600.000 MH
Mejillones, Chile
SK oversaw the design, supplying, and construction (EPC) of the 372 miles line, the longest of its kind in Chile. It allowed the interconnection of the electrical systems of Norte Grande (SING) and Central (SIC). The operation consisted of a 2 x 220 kV transmission line and two others of 2 x 500 kV.
Changos – Cumbre Electrical Substations
2016 / 600.000 MH
Mejillones, Chile
The contract was allocated by Alstom Grid Chile S.A. to Engineering and Construction SK and consisted in the electromechanical erection of the Los Changos and Cumbre substations. Both belonging to the transmission system of 500 kV Mejillones – Cardones.

Cochrane – Encuentro Transmission System
2014 / 350.000 MH
Antofagasta, Chile
The EPC project considered the first erection of an electrical system of 700 MW of guyed towers with vertical circuits in Chile. It was built in an area of 95 miles, from Mejillones to Encuentro, to carry the produced energy by the Cochrane station to the areas of consumption.
Cochrane Thermoelectric Station 530 MW
2013 / 5.500.000 MH
Mejillones, Chile
Construction and erection of the station of two units of 265 MW thermal generation of the monoblock kind designed to consume solid fuels (coal) through a pulverized coal boiler.

Angamos Thermoelectric Station
2008 / 5.500.000 MH
Mejillones, Chile
Construction and erection of two units of thermal generation of 265 MW each, adding up to 530 MW. Their main objective is to provide energy to the Norte Grande interconnected system, SING, to satisfy the demand of the country.
Angamos – Laberinto Transmission System Line
2008 / 500.000 MH
Antofagasta, Chile
EPC contract that covered the development of detailed and basic engineering, supplying, construction, erection, tests, and place into service of the 2×220 kV high-power line with a length of 88 miles, and the Laberinto and Nueva Zaldivar substations.

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